Black Ice's Super Sonic 'Scooter'
Information below paraphrased from Scooter's page at Black Ice Retrievers

AKC Number: SR53451004
Black Ice's Super Sonic 'Scooter' Pedigree
OFA Hips "Excellent" = LR191692E27M-VPI
OFA Elbows "Normal" = LR-EL50204M27 -VPI
EIC "Clear" = D11- 008297
CNM "Clear" = LR-CNM249/28M-VPI
Eye CERF "Normal" = LR-355672
Black Ice's Super Sonic 'Scooter' (GMPR, MPR, APR, CPR, SHR, JH, SH, MH, QAA) is an AKC registered Fox Red (dark Yellow) Pointing Labrador Retriever whelped and owned by Black Ice Retrievers. Scooter was whelped in November of 2008. Little did anyone know what a remarkable pup was born that day. In just the 24 months following Scooter's birth he managed to break all types of records for being the youngest dog to achieve extreme high levels of competition.
- 1st HRC SHR pass at 4 months
- SHR HRC Title at 5 months
- APLA CPR Title at 6 months
- AKC JH Title at 6 months
- APLA APR Title at 10 months
- AKC SH 1st pass at 15 months
- AKC SH Title at 17 months passing 4 tests in a row
- AKC MH 1st pass at 18 months
- AKC MH Title at 21 months
- MHR Title at 22 months
- APLA GMPR title at 22 months
- QAA at just 2 years of age
Scooter is the youngest dog on record to earn his QAA, MPR, GMPR & AKC MH titles and he earned all this 12 months younger than any dog on record!!
Scooter was an amazing talent from the start. He was pointing birds before he turned 7 weeks of age. Gun broke at 11 weeks of age and before he turned 3 months old he had pointed and retrieved to hand well over 100 shot quail.
Scooter passed his first HRC Hunt Test at the young age of just 4 months. That's right! Scooter passed his first 4 Hunt Tests in a row and received his first Hunt Test Title "SHR" at just 5 months of age. Not wasting any time he also passed his CP APLA Hunt Test the same month before moving on to his AKC Junior Hunt Tests. Scooter passed 4 AKC Junior Hunt Test in as many weekends and earned his AKC JH Test Title before he turned 7 months old.
Scooter passed 9 Hunt Tests in the spring of 2009 across the H.R.C, A.P.L.A. & A.K.C. all at just 6 months or younger!!!
Scooter's young success continued in 2009 as he earned the "Advanced Pointing Retriever" APLA title while being perfectly steady to wing & shot. Although being steady to wing & shot is not required for the "APR" title, Scooter at just 10 months of age received tons of praise as he amazed the spectators and judges alike.
Scooter moved to Texas and entered the training program of Rusty Haglund and Bobbie Purser of
Trigger Time Kennels &
Web Foot Kennels respectively.
By the time Scooter turned 12 months of age he had earned the right to be on Bobbie's trailer. A right reserved only for dogs that can do AKC Master Hunter work.
"It's hard to believe that a 12 month old pup can run mark for mark, blind for blind with AKC MH titled dogs. But Scooter can, and does every day. This combination of Reno's Black Ice and Calumet's Wild Card is the real deal. In fact, I am so impressed I bought a second pup from this pairing in February of 2010". Rusty Haglund - Pro Trainer.
Scooter under Bobbie's caring hand earned his first AKC Senior Hunt pass at only 15 months old. Scooter was only one of 8 dogs of 55 that passed this test in Iola, TX and was by far the youngest dog in the entire field. But being the youngest dog at a hunt test was nothing new for Scooter.
March of 2010 turned out to be a great month for Scooter as he went on and passed 3 AKC SH tests. Scooter went 4 for 4 under Bobbie as he earned his AKC SH title in April of 2010.
Less than 5 weeks later Scooter being the youngest dog in a field of 52 dogs in Lavergene, TN passes his first AKC MH Test. Scooter was one of just 15 dogs out of 52 to pass this test.
Three weeks later in Virginia, MN Scooter was just 1 of 12 dogs to pass this very challenging MH test and as usual was the youngest dog to pass.
Scooters success continued that summer and he earned the coveted AKC Master Hunt title at the young age of 21 months. He was just one of two dogs that day to run the entire test without a handle.
In August Scooter moved back to K and L Kennels under the APLA specialist in Mike Latteau. Warming up for the fall APLA Test season Mike & Scooter earned another AKC Master Hunt test pass in Centerville, MO. on 9/6/10.
Mike of K&L Kennels takes Scooter to New York and earns his APLA MPR title. Then a couple of weeks later Mike takes Scooter to Kansas and earns Scooter's "GMPR" APLA title.
By the time Scooter was 22 months of age he passed 23 hunt tests across the AKC, HRC, & APLA. For the most part Scooter was not just the youngest dog at most of his AKC tests, but continuously was the youngest dog to pass each of his AKC tests. Professional trainers across the country realize that a MH title is much harder to achieve today than it was 5 or 10 years ago. A MH title at any age is noteworthy. A MH title at barley 21 months of age given the 2010 MH standard is quite an accomplishment.
Scooter earned his Field Trial QAA in the summer of 2011 at just two years of age. Scooter is the youngest dog to our knowledge to have earned his GMPR, MPR, MH & QAA. Not only was he the youngest on record but he accomplish all these 12 full months sooner than any dog on record!
Note: We (FourPaw Labs) are not the owners, nor caretakers of Scooter; If you are interested in using Scooter for a stud, drop us an email and we can refer you to his owners.

Titled, Champion and Famous Dogs in Black Ice's Super Sonic 'Scooter' ancestors
PARENTS - 2nd Generation
- GMPR Calumet's Wild Card, MH QAA
- 2xNC 3xGMPR HRCH Reno's Black Ice, MH
3rd Generation
- FC AFC Calumet's Super Sonic
4th Generation
- FC AFC Calumet's Sonic Boom
- FC AFC Scan's In The Nick of Time
- NFC FC AFC Maxx's Surprise
- Lakenheath's Dancey, MH
- Buddy Juggernaut, DU MH
5th Generation
- FC AFC Jazztime
- FC AFC Sky Watch Scanner
- Goose Down Hannah Honey, MH
- 2xNAFC FC 2xCNAFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
- FC AFC Chena River No Surprise
- FC AFC Sky Watch Radar
- Beeline Bert of Shakopee, JH
6th Generation
- AFC Trieven Classical Jazz
- FC AFC Sky Watch Radar
- '92 NFC '90 NAFC FC AFC Candlewoods Super Tanker
- AFC Super Khomeini
- AFC Powder Keg Meg
- '92 NFC '90 NAFC FC AFC Candlewoods Super Tanker
7th Generation
- Super Powder
- NFC AFC Orion's Sky
- Candlewoods Delta Dash
Mark Edwards & Scooter with his QAA Ribbon